Hackster.io is an online community for learning and sharing hardware projects. It serves as a platform for developers, hobbyists, and professionals to showcase their projects and to learn from others.
The site uses so-called platform hubs for different hardware platforms, such as Arduino or ESP32, which allow you to discover other projects using the same parts. We created an AISLER hub, so it is simple to find other projects which used our PCBs as inspiration, you can find it under: hackster.io/aisler.
Add your project to the AISLER hub.
Go to hackster.io and click on the light blue “Create Project” button. This will open up the project builder, alternatively head to hackster.io/projects/new.
The project builder will guide you through the process of documenting your project, in the first step, you’ll name your project and give it a short “Elevator pitch” that briefly describes your project to others and a cover image to grab the attention of other in the project overview.
In the “Things” tab you’ll be able to assign components you used in your project, hackster.io may suggest parts to you based on your project story. To add your project to the AISLER hub, search for AISLER custom-made PCBs and them as part.
You can use the checklist on the right side to make sure that you include all important information to publish your project.
After adding all the necessary parts, click “save changes” to update your project.
You can publish your project by heading to the project and changing the project status and make it public for everyone.