Hello. I am new user here. Also gaining experience with KiCad. The problem is, that Aisler 3D checker does not recognize castellated holes or vias. So in my pcb i placed and centered pads with holes on the cutedge. I selected Fabrication property: Castellated pad (through hole only). In KiCad Through holes are properly assigned. But when i upload project to AISLER and inspect it in 3D viewer, there should be marked red holes or zones in place of castellated pads.
I don’t know, what else to try. Thank you for your help
Hi ,
I am unsure what you mean by “marked red holes or zones”.
We have a article that scribes how to set up the castellated edges/holes : Castellated Holes
Oh, that still refers to our old rendering engine. I will update the article. Your usecase would also not be recognized as castellated holes either, for which we only support round holes, your PCB would still be manufactured as shown, but they may be some copper burrs left.