In my account not work multiple order

I can’t get the “Quotations” menu to work in my account. I believe mine is a professional account with a VAT number.
After creating a new “Quotations” by clicking on the NEW button, I cannot see any project or product to select to get the quote.

I need this functionality because I read in the forum that it is the only way to make a multiple order and I have to buy 3 different boards.

Can you help me, I urgently need to order the boards


I enabled charge on account for your account, so quotations are available to you now.

I tried but I have the same problem. You can help me?

@Tim-from-AISLER Can you take a look at why the Quotation feature doesn’t work?

Sure. @alessandro-cemitonli, please ensure that the projects you want to quote are not archived. We currently do not display those projects in order to simplify overview.

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@Tim-from-AISLER Yes, my projects are archived. Should I move them to the “Sandbox”?

Yes, or you could create your own folders to sort them.

Thanks, now work fine.