Invoice in ZUGFERD or X Format


More and more customers require invoices in ZUGFeRD or Factur-X format. How can a customer request invoices in that format?


Hi Uwe :wave: to my knowledge we don’t offer these formats at the moment.

@Tim-from-AISLER is this something we could implement?

Please consider the pending changes that only electronic invoice in a well definded format will become obligatory and are already required by some public customers, e.g. the State of Hessen.

You can only delay the introduction, but not stop it. And the delay will cause problems for increasingly more customers.

Hi Uwe,

we are aware of the respective requirements. However, we need to adjust some changes in our systems. I will inform the respective department to have a prioritized look on this issue with regard to the legal requirements.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Marian from the AISLER Support

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We now send digital ZUGFeRD invoices embedded in the PDF fulfilling the EN 16931 specification.