Hello everyone,
I have an older Uliboard project which is made in Ultiboard 8.1.7. (Build date 2005!!)
In file export/export ('Gerber RS274X) I can’t choose a file with the extension “.xln”. I don’t see a different file for plated or non plated holes.
Is there any way to make this files?
I need them to order this project.
Hi that is quite an outdated version we don’t have Ultiboard to try it out ourselves.
But I have found this screenshot, do you have a checkmark that says NC drill? That should also work.
Hello Thea,
Yes, it is very outdated. Later projects are designed in Eagle or Kicad. But occasionally I need some of these “old” pcb’s.
There is indeed an option to create an NC drill file. I’m going to do that.
Thanks for your help.
(Sorry, I unintentionally deleted this post)