Würth Elektronik offers, in addition to free samples and general technical support, the following services:
Antenna Matching
The experts at Würth Elektronik can advise you on antenna selection, the antenna placement and the design of impedance matching circuits. Simulations and the measurement of return loss, voltage standing wave ration and return loss efficiency are also offered.
Custom Transformers and Magnetics
Your design requires a specialized transformer? The experts at Würth Elektronik will support you during the development. From flyback, push/pull to isolated buck converters, they cover all major DC/DC and AC/DC topologies.
Customized Connectors
In addition to their major portfolio of standard connectors, Würth Elektronik offers options to customize connectors to your needs. Removing pins, cutting pin header, printing of pinouts or documentation on the case and special pole numbers are possible.
Cable confection
Würth Elektronik maintains a list of tested and trusted cable assemblers which can build your cable assembly, no matter whether it’s for small or large orders.
Interested? Contact us and we will get you in touch with the right person.