"Smart" BOM - can't get it to work

My Eagle board uploads fine, but when it is parsed to extract the BOM I get all the components but can’t edit or select anything. Some part numbers appear in comments or for generic 0603 resistors there is nothing, and I can’t edit etc. Apparently I can’t edit or upload a separate BOM, so how is this supposed to work??

You have to select a row in the interface on the left side of the table and then use the assign button to set up your components. When you use a “MPN” field in your library we can import and assign the part number automatically.

hmm for some reason it was getting deselected after I had selected it.

Still can’t get this ‘smart match’ to work…

tried searching for a a 100n capacitor, and all I got was a list of capacitors that were not 100n !!

I read the blog article(Again) on how to use smart search, but when I select a group of resistors it matches the first one and then changes all the others to the same value !!
Can’t see how to undo it …

Your BOM system is completely useless - I have had several colleagues try it and no one can make it work…

Taken my business elsewhere