Question about edge cutouts and pcb design

Hello everyone,

Here is my first ever forum post ever about pcbs. :slight_smile:

I am designing some kind of wall frame with an e-paper screen with an esp32 to show weather, calendar, goals, todos connected to an app. See first picture for backside.

As you can see, it has an usb-c port on one side, a central bottom piece with a capacitive button that triggers when a finger presses the wood above.

And on top, I want a toggle switch to turn on/off the power.

I have two questions:

  1. Why cant Aisler build the PCB like this with the holes on the side, the drill should just go there right and drill? JLCPCB doesn’t complain about this.
  2. Can someone check my designs? :slight_smile: Since I have limited experience, also for the power part between USB and battery. Is there another way to minimise power usage so the battery can last at least a half year?


Thanks in advance!

I appreciate any help

Hi there :wave:

Please describe or show what you mean. Would it be possible to share your design?

Hi, I added the pcb design i am talking about the 3 pins at the top and the usb-c connector at the bottom left.

Have you uploaded the design to our platform, could you share the project ID? I see that you use EasyEDA, did you upload the files as ODB++? See: Export ODB++ from EasyEDA