What we did in Q2-2022, and a small outlook

Wow, 2022 is passing like crazy! While we hope we can contribute to reducing the risk of heat waves by focusing on a low environmental footprint, we just hope the current wave passes quickly.

But enough talking about sweaty days, let’s talk about what we’ve done for you in the past couple of three months!

Here are my personal Top 3 of the past three months:

  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Introdcution of SmartQuote: We have completely revamped businesses create and manage quotes. 100% self-service as always and the best way to interact with purchasing teams.

  • :bullettrain_front: Amazing Assembly price cuts: Volume allows us to cut prices. In a time where price increases are all present, we decided to send a signal that automation can save us from that upward spiral.

  • :mag: Part Search API is now public beta: We are doubling down on our promise to opening our Part Search. Part information should be easily accessible by everyone, that’s why we took this step.

In total we closed over 185 issues in the past three months for you. We work everyday to Make Hardware Less Hard for you!

This quarter we will work hard on:

  • :mag:Building a proper UI for the Part Search, so that you can also take advantage of it as a non-API user!
  • :seedling: We are getting closer to valuating our carbon footprint, this quarter we plan on releasing first numbers.
  • :memo: New Distributors will be added to our Part Search.

This was an amazing quarter, and we are looking forward to building the next big thing together with you. Want to get in touch, have a look at our Community to join the discussion on upcoming features, and releases. A big thank you goes out to our team of Epic Employees. Y’all are amazing!
