Allow to select only TOP/Only Bottom/Both stencils


please allow to select to order “Only Top”/“Only Bottom”/“Top and Bottom” stencils. Offen in a design there is really only need for one stencil also paste structures are on both sides. The other use case is when board and stencils are already produced but some error is found by the end user on one of the stencils.

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I will forward this information. What design tool do you use? I could help to find a workaround in the time being.

I use Eagle. I ordered in the meantime.

When using eagle you can disable the paste layer on the side you do not want an stencil for when exporting the gerber file.

But I agree that this should be a feature on our website.

I hope this feature will be implemented soon.
Meanwhile I found a workaround for Kicad: before uploading the design, open the .kicad_pcb file with a text editor and remove the two lines related to the paste you don’t want to use.
For instance, if bottom paste is not needed, remove

(34 "B.Paste" user "B.Paste")


  (layer "B.Paste" (type "Bottom Solder Paste"))

This modification seems to affect only the stencil not needed while preserving the rest of the design.

:bangbang: Tested only with PCB viewer (stencil not present) and with Checkout (stencil price decrease). I haven’t ordered anything with this modification, so far.



You can also achieve this by removing the corresponding layer in the Board settings. (Please only do this with a copy of your board file) This is much easier to do than manually editing the file.

I do not see that possibility in Eagle.

You can follow my guide on exporting a custom Gerber from Eagle and exclude tCream or bCream.